Signed in as:
(Core Value #1)
We are convinced that the critical component to all success is centered on God. God is the foundation, cornerstone, establisher of NDCI, and all our efforts are to show the Love of God, His relevance and significance in all matters of life for all people. We love and serve all people regardless of personal belief systems and activity. In addition to serving people, we focus strongly on helping individuals develop many spiritual abilities that enhance and edify their lives in any sphere they are presently in or that they may enter.
(Core Value #2)
The focus on Family is an approach as the catalyst for Renewal and Reformation within families in this locale, state, nation, and the world. The desired goal of this ministry is to assist families in NDCI and the community.
These Family-Focused events are designed to rally families together as we focus on biblical family principles, redeem valuable time together, and enjoy fun activities. We desire to infuse the Kingdom of God-focused blueprint of the family into the spiritual community of Life Center International and all participating families during these events.
The desire for empowerment is to equip participants with resources and skills that will enhance every family unit.
a. Intimate Encounters- Marriage Enrichment Course provides couples the opportunity to establish and reaffirm their marriage relationship by providing sound Biblical principles to enhance the covenant of marriage.
b. Parenting with Intimacy- Offers parents a framework to make parent/children relationship more intimate, nurturing, caring through relationally establishing a sense of direction and destiny, including biblical structure and decision making.
c. Pre-Marital Counseling & Training- Premarital Training aims to support the journey of being engaged by offering couples Christ-centered classroom learning, application opportunities, and one-on-one discipleship experiences for relationship development. The participants are challenged in love, leadership, and life-long learning, as these attributes must be present to have a healthy marriage.
The MOD initiative serves the community of men within New Destiny and all those we are privileged to encounter. We operate in an environment developing men into disciples of Christ who practice sound biblical principles to have great success in every aspect of their lives. Many radical, challenging, and life-transforming strategies are exercised. These strategies produce men of great character who reach out to other men, which makes for a better community, city, and beyond.
The desire of the WOD initiative is to serve the women of NDCI and the surrounding areas by providing an environment where women, ages 13 and up, are developed into disciples of Christ, practicing sound biblical principles to incite great success in every aspect of their lives. We achieve this by hosting socially engaging encounters, discussions, and excursions that build relationships to assist in forming its participants into women who are pillars in their families and the community.
(Core Value #3)
Leadership Monthly Meetings: We focus on training leaders to lead while training leaders to train, (Train The Trainer) We develop the ability to differentiate teaching versus leading to produce effective and sustainable teams.
Training participants are enhanced in their understanding of the overall vision of their organization. These individuals are developed to execute competent oversight related to the facilitation, sustainability, and promulgation of the vision in their delegated areas of responsibility.
To Discover faulty leadership systems that work against the building of a team, redefine the methods by restructuring and building foundational concepts and understanding that will strengthen and sustain a team.
This generation (Ages 22-38) represents the most significant population growth in the history of the world. Through seasonal intensives, these individuals are equipped to more effectively be contributors to society.
SOP’s are step-by-step instructions compiled by an organization to help leaders carry out complex/routine operations. The maintenance component requires training to equip leaders on how to sustain/update the practices of their areas on a bi-annual basis. This development plan aims to achieve efficiency, quality, and uniformity of performance while reducing miscommunication and failure to carry out vision.
Set times that allow for the withdrawal from the busyness of ministry or business.
(Core Value #4)
NDCI understands the importance of the development of the next generation. This next generation will inherit political positions, establish businesses, and adopt impactful roles in their communities. Therefore, it is essential to sow time, resources, and relationships into the personal development of students in the Greater Charlotte Area.
Present and Future Strategies and concepts aimed at connecting with students and the Community:
Classroom/Auditorium settings that impart successful lifestyle principles into the lives of students
Movie, dinner, and open discussion about their goals for business and provide expertise, guidance, support, and skills to accomplish their dream.
An institution committed to increasing learning opportunities with high accountability. Our aim is to create a higher academic standard with smaller class , innovative approaches and a morally grounded Faculty, Staff and Student population.
A positive after-school program built on values that will increase academic performances and personally progress the individual into their identity and purpose in life.
A setting to provide the opportunity for students to enhance their academics in areas of struggle.
A setting designed to prepare students to transition from High School to College socially and academically.
Providing students from surrounding High Schools to practice with an actual test to know what to expect on test day.
Assisting students with strategies, abilities, expertise, or competence to thrive in life.
Personal development for the next stage of life after school.
An overnight camp /or weekly summer camp. This setting focuses on personal development, forming relationships, addressing life skills, and academic refining (specifically language arts, math, science, and finance).
An exciting fun party/game night for Junior and High School students in the region.
A gathering of Columbia, SC youth on the day of the Big Game.
A gathering for youth after the end of athletic contests providing a place of safety and fun.
A space designed for students to enjoy games such as pool, video games, ping pong, Madden, and 2k PlayStation area.
In this era of social media, students everywhere are incredibly passionate about the various social platforms. We want to assist them in forming skills on these platforms that will help them pursue passions and goals, pursue their business ideas, and build an integral image that will draw people.
An opportunity for students at the college level to develop management skills while providing an essential service to the community via an on-campus Food Pantry.